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Today’s ‘Wordle’ #1363 Hints, Clues And Answer For Thursday, March 13th

Looking for Wednesday’s Wordle hints, clues and answer? You can find them here:

ForbesToday’s ‘Wordle’ #1362 Hints, Clues And Answer For Wednesday, March 12th

Yesterday was Wordle Wednesday and, as we do every Wednesday, I gave out an extra puzzle for you fine Wordlers to solve before tackling our daily Wordle. Today, I’ll post the answer. This was the puzzle:

“Three leprechauns—Finn, Bran, and Conn—find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They decide to divide it equally, but when they try, they discover one coin is left over.

They argue over who should get the extra coin. To settle it, they call a fourth leprechaun, Niall, to join them. Now, the coins divide perfectly, but still one coin remains.

Puzzled, they invite a fifth leprechaun, Eamon, and finally the coins divide evenly with none left over. What is the smallest possible number of gold coins that could have been in the pot?”

The Answer: 25 coins! Kudos to those of you who DM’d me the answer in advance. Alright, let’s solve this Wordle!

How To Solve Today’s Wordle

The Hint: Pursue in order to catch.

The Clue: Today’s Wordle ends with a vowel.

Okay, spoilers below!




The Answer:

Wordle Analysis

Every day I check Wordle Bot to help analyze my guessing game. You can check your Wordles with Wordle Bot right here.

CHOIR wasn’t a bad opening word today, leaving me with just 19 remaining solutions and two green boxes. But 19 is still a lot to work with (and, of course, I had no idea how many words I had left until after when I ran the Wordle Bot analysis). I tried all new letters on my second guess—SLATE—hoping to snag a vowel. Sure enough, I not only got both vowels, but the ‘S’ could only go in spot #4. CHASE for the win!

Competitive Wordle Score

I get 1 point for guessing in three and promptly lose it because the Bot beat me, getting today’s in just two. That’s zero points for me and 3 points for the Bot, who gets 2 for guessing in two and 1 for beating me. This brings our monthly total to:

My March Running Total: 13 points.

Wordle Bot’s Running Total: 3 points.

How To Play Competitive Wordle

  • Guessing in 1 is worth 3 points; guessing in 2 is worth 2 points; guessing in 3 is worth 1 point; guessing in 4 is worth 0 points; guessing in 5 is -1 points; guessing in 6 is -2 points and missing the Wordle is -3 points.
  • If you beat your opponent you get 1 point. If you tie, you get 0 points. And if you lose to your opponent, you get -1 point. Add it up to get your score. Keep a daily running score or just play for a new score each day.
  • Fridays are 2XP, meaning you double your points—positive or negative.
  • You can keep a running tally or just play day-by-day. Enjoy!

Today’s Wordle Etymology

The word “chase” comes from the Old French word chacier (modern French chasser), meaning “to hunt” or “to pursue.” This, in turn, derives from the Late Latin captiare (a variant of captiāre), meaning “to try to capture”—which is a frequentative form of capere, “to take or seize.”

Let me know how you fared with your Wordle today on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Also be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me here on this blog where I write about games, TV shows and movies when I’m not writing puzzle guides. Sign up for my newsletter for more reviews and commentary on entertainment and culture.

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