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Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Clues And Answers For Saturday, March 22nd

In case you missed Friday’s NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, you can find the answers here:

Forbes‘NYT Mini’ Clues And Answers For Friday, March 21

Huzzah! Your fearless puzzle guide has returned! It is I, Grover! Sorry, not Grover. Just channeling my inner Sesame Street character as we head into the first weekend of spring. In any case, it’s been a minute since I’ve been at the helm of the NYT Mini Crossword. Let’s dive right in!

The NYT Mini is a smaller, quicker, more digestible, bite-sized version of the larger and more challenging NYT Crossword, and unlike its larger sibling, it’s free-to-play without a subscription to The New York Times. You can play it on the web or the app, though you’ll need the app to tackle the archive.

Spoilers ahead!


1- Auction offer — BID

4- Side of a diamond — FACET

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6- School subject that anagrams to A GARBLE, fittingly — ALGEBRA

8-Apple laptop — MACBOOK

9- U.S. city that’s home to 71 streets with “Peachtree” in their names — ATLANTA

10- and — SITES

11- Higher ed degree — PHD


1- One way of resealing tortilla chips — BAGCLIP

2- Athlete’s frigid recovery treatment — ICEBATH

3- Prepared to eat, as a fish — DEBONED

4- Shoes without heels — FLATS

5- Brings (out) — TROTS

6- Physicians’ grp. — AMA

7- Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar ___ Cardi B — AKA

This was actually surprisingly easy and I was able to finish in 1:46. I didn’t know everything, but I got most of the ACROSS words pretty fact, except for FACET which eluded me at first. BID, ALGEBRA, MACBOOK all came easy, but I wasn’t sure about ATLANTA until I got some of the DOWNS as well. I got SITES and PHD next, and then moved to the DOWNS which were already mostly filled in at that point. Not too shabby!

How did you do? Let me know on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

If you also play Wordle, I write guides about that as well. You can find those and all my TV guides, reviews and much more here on my blog. Thanks for reading!

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