Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Provider: Judith Bialis, MD (Board-Certified Temporalist), Pediatric Department, Center for the Study of Temporal Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland.
Date: 1/4/24
Notes: Patient is 3-year-old female. Initial consult. Appears physically healthy, average motor skills, above-average verbal development. Referred to practice due to ongoing anomalies in patient’s bedroom, most recently appearance of toys parents claim they lost during their own childhoods: a small doll and, of particular note, an antique rocking horse that could not be physically lifted by patient. When questioned, patient declares she “got them from her special place”. When asked to show me her ‘special place’ she produced my Fisher-Price Doctor Kit, which disappeared when I was six. It still had the masking tape with my name on the case.
Gave parents strategies for explaining to patient in age-appropriate way that stealing is stealing, even from earlier timeline. Recommend standard course of Cognitive-Temporal Behavioural Therapy, follow up for diagnostic testing in one week.
Date: 1/4/24
Notes: Monthly appointment. 14-year-old male with Temporal Slip Disorder, Type II. Patient making great strides in not utilizing slips to cheat on tests in school. Is currently in conflict with twin sister (not a patient, but referred for assessment) over science fair project, which he claims she destroyed in another timeline. Patient won award for said project, but he says this only proves his point.
Date: 1/4/24
Notes: Patient is 13-year-old male. This is our second meeting. Referred by PCP for threatening to go back in time to kill his grandfather. At this meeting, he announced he did.
Read more science fiction from Nature Futures
Date: 1/7/24
Notes: Patient is 17-year-old male. Periodical check-up for Metamorphic Temporal Disorder. Patient reports two years since he last experienced an anomaly. His mother was quite emotional at check-up and apologized to me multiple times, saying she never believed me that he’d grow out of it. But I’ve never met this woman before and am not familiar with this case. They both said I’m the only therapist they’ve ever seen.
Date: 1/7/24
Notes: Patient is 4-year-old female, referred for diagnostic testing. Desk calendar in office caused noted discomfort. Parents displayed resistance to administration of standard card test, citing earlier incident with family photo albums. I explained that it’s a basic, non-invasive tool for diagnostic testing. Asked patient to put in order cards showing a baby, a young child, an adult and an old man. She shredded them.
Possible Dx of Temporal Slip Disorder Type III.
Rx 2-week course of Clockinex at 2mg. (Generic OK.)
Date: 1/7/24
Notes: Initial consult with 15-year-old female. No show, but voicemail message from patient dated this morning: “Thank you for all your advice over the eons. I think I’ve figured it out.”
Date: 1/1/01
Notes: Where am I? Or when? Last thing I remember I was doing standard intake procedure on new patient, taking vitals. Now in strange room with swaddled baby on exam table. Only familiar items in room are my clothing and this records tablet, identifiable from my “What Is/Was/Will Be Up, Doc?” sticker on case.
Date: 2/2/02
Notes: Patient is toddler, estimated age 12–15 months. She is crying — wailing really, but I can’t understand anything else.
Date: 3/3/03
Notes: Patient is the same toddler. I think.
Date: 4/4/04
Notes: She keeps saying “Not again.”
Date: 5/5/05
Notes: Have erected barrier between myself and child using swivel chair. Her Temporal Distortion Field is affecting the intercom system, though not my records tablet. Am unable to call for assistance.
Date: 6/6/06
Notes: She is right
Date: 7/7/07
Notes: And I can’t keep her from