Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
(A) shows three large burrows with an infill feature, (B) shows a smaller tunnel connecting a cavity to the surface, (C) shows an infill feature shown by black arrow in A , and (D) shows an 18 cm infilled burrow…
IPCC Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis (eds Masson-Delmotte, V. et al.) (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2023). Fowler, H. J. et al. Anthropogenic intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes. Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. 2, 107–122 (2021). Article ADS MATH Google Scholar …
Poor sleep can make you susceptible to a wide range of physical and mental health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and anxiety. But new research indicates it may also increase the chances of yet another unwanted outcome: embracing…
Understanding the seabed is crucial for laying undersea cables, calculating tsunami paths and projecting sea level rises. It covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but the ocean floor is less mapped than the moon, an astonishing fact driving a global…
A ‘quantum processor’ has solved a physics problem on the behaviour of magnetism in certain solids that would take hundreds of thousands of years to calculate on the largest conventional supercomputers. The result is the latest claim of machine showing…
During a cataclysmic mass extinction event, there are typically not many places to hide. However, a region of the mountainous Turpan-Hami Basin in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region in Western China may have been an oasis for some living organisms during…
Recently restored grasslands (top row) are visited mostly by flies and hoverflies that are generalists and thus often carry pollen from one plant to flowers of a different species (from left to right: Syrphus torvus on Galium verum, Eristalis tenax…
Rice, J. R. & Ruina, A. L. Stability of steady frictional slipping. J. Appl. Mech. 50, 343–349 (1983). Article MATH ADS Google Scholar Dieterich, J. H. in Treatise on Geophysics 2nd edn (ed. Schubert, G.) Vol. 4, 93–110 (Elsevier, 2007).…
A large boulder used as decoration in a rural Australian high school’s foyer is actually covered in dinosaur footprints—it just took around 20 years for anyone to notice. After examining the ancient rock, paleontologists at the University of Queensland’s Dinosaur…
Credit: KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA from Pexels Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted office life, American workplaces are settling into a new rhythm. Employees in remote-friendly jobs now spend an average of 2.3 days each week working from home, a research…