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How Compatible Are These Celebrities? Astrologer Aliza Kelly Tells All

Sometimes the perfect love story really does align with the stars.

And according to astrologer Aliza Kelly, as far as compatibility between the Zodiac signs goes, in general, Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) tend to complement each other the most. Meanwhile, Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) simply work best together.

But your perfect match isn’t all about the Sun sign, as there’s much more to an astrology birth chart than what meets the eye.

“Your Sun sign is just one piece of the puzzle,” Aliza told E! News in an exclusive interview. “The Moon (emotional world), Venus (love language), Mars (passion and conflict style), and even your Rising sign (how you navigate relationships) all shape compatibility. A couple might have ‘clashing’ Sun signs but thrive because their Moons or Venuses work harmoniously.”

One celeb couple that could be classified as being naturally harmonious? Spider-Man costars Tom Holland, 28, and Zendaya, also 28, who recently got engaged. And though he’s a Gemini and she’s a Virgo, there are many reasons as to why those opposite elements continue to work.

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