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Bad News About How To Earn The Free Dupli-Kate ‘Fortnite’ Skin

Well, the name sort of says it all, but the “Party Up” Fortnite event that will reward you with a bunch of items, including the free Invincible Dupli-Kate skin, is going to frustrate at least a portion of the playerbase.

Fortnite has just launched the new event, which will run from today until March 31, 2025, and it’s detailed what exactly you’re going to need to do. As the name suggests, to earn this skin and complete the challenges to do so, you have to do every daily quest in a party with friends.

While sure, many players might be able to do this easily, there are also millions of players who largely play solo who will be frustrated that this is the stipulation, and there’s no real way around it other than corralling actual friends or heading online to places like reddit or Discord to find randoms. The quests for the event will alternate daily between:

  • Earning a certain amount of XP in creator-made experiences in a party with friends.
  • Earning a certain amount of XP in “By Epic” experiences in a party with friends.

As you do this, in two weeks you will earn the following stuff, and Dupli-Kate if you complete 9 daily quests out of the 17 days this event is running. Here’s the list of prizes:

  • Complete 1 Party Up – Spring Raid Quest: “Through the Fire and Flames” Jam Track by DragonForce
  • Complete 2 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Axo’s Big Moment Spray
  • Complete 3 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Shrinking Rae Back Bling
  • Complete 4 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Party Beats Spray
  • Complete 5 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Field of Dreamflowers Loading Screen
  • Complete 6 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Duplicating Batons Pickaxe
  • Complete 7 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Song Bubble Emoticon
  • Complete 8 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Duplikates Emote
  • Complete 9 Party Up – Spring Raid Quests: Dupli-Kate Outfit

The good news is…the Dupli-Kate outfit is not great, a third-tier Invincible character while the other, paid skins are much better, so if you miss out it’s not a huge deal. It is no great shock that the free one is the worst one. However, I have seen some people note that this is kind of funny, as a free skin will have more people earning it and wearing it, so if you see a bunch of Dupli-Kates in the game, that will be reflective of her in-show multiplying power. I don’t know if Epic did that on purpose, but I will admit that’s a good gag if so.

Anyway, go find a friend and start doing these challenges. It’s relatively easy if you have one, but may prove difficult for the loners out there, myself included.

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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.

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